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What’s Missing In Your Data

What’s Missing In Your Data

Wait, What did I Miss? When you follow a process to hire a new position, it may look similar to this.  Create and review job description that aligns with the skills and experience needed in the first 90 days of work, check. Know which skills to inspect or train in the...


Courage to Require the Why How many times have you asked a question and received silence or “I don’t know” as a response? Do you wonder why? If it is your task to discover information, then you may be familiar with how information can lead to more questions, better...
Innovate, Shift, and Leap Beyond Limitations

Innovate, Shift, and Leap Beyond Limitations

“Son, you better KNOOOOOW your limitations….” My father would often say this when I tried to compete or wrestle with him.  Depending on your perspective, it is a statement that can be interpreted as ‘have a healthy case of fear’ or ‘find a cradle full of courage.’  As...
Opportunity to Shine – Julian

Opportunity to Shine – Julian

Some people are simply ready to shine.  They’ve invested in themselves and they are already being coached and mentored as they push themselves to new levels of achievement.  This describes Julian. Julian was a Journalism and Mass Communications major, Class of 2019,...