by Leap Here Team Writer | Apr 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
Written by: Seven Douglas Thank you for clicking your way here! On this page, you will find a few helpful resources as you recalibrate and reorient your company on the journey to success. Listed below are resources that can assist with your organizational culture on...
by Samuel Reed | Nov 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
Courage to Require the Why How many times have you asked a question and received silence or “I don’t know” as a response? Do you wonder why? If it is your task to discover information, then you may be familiar with how information can lead to more questions, better...
by Samuel Reed | Apr 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
“Son, you better KNOOOOOW your limitations….” My father would often say this when I tried to compete or wrestle with him. Depending on your perspective, it is a statement that can be interpreted as ‘have a healthy case of fear’ or ‘find a cradle full of courage.’ As...
by Samuel Reed | Jan 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
Some people are simply ready to shine. They’ve invested in themselves and they are already being coached and mentored as they push themselves to new levels of achievement. This describes Julian. Julian was a Journalism and Mass Communications major, Class of 2019,...
by Samuel Reed | Nov 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Finding Here, Part II – Freefall Airborne You can often get a different view of the world and see beyond yourself at a higher altitude; however, there is only so much action that can be taken on what is observed from the sky. If the sky can be viewed as economic...