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Candidate Match or Candidate Fit?

Candidate Match or Candidate Fit?

When seeking employment, candidates will come across positions they need and positions they want.  The job description can often times be the determining factor, but so can the organization. I was invited to interview for a position at a fortune 100 company after I...
Encouraging Creativity in the Workplace

Encouraging Creativity in the Workplace

In the post on March 28, 2019, I shared thoughts on why I believe human creativity is important and what some stages of creativity are. We see that creativity leads to the development of opportunity and access to jobs. We see that courageous and persistent people put...
Creative Jobs. Created by Humans.

Creative Jobs. Created by Humans.

The last blog touched on automation and the potential impacts of automation. It concluded by sharing the opinion that technology can never duplicate the human experience or human creativity. I posed the question: “What products, jobs, or services can be created or...