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Encouraging Creativity in the Workplace

Encouraging Creativity in the Workplace

In the post on March 28, 2019, I shared thoughts on why I believe human creativity is important and what some stages of creativity are. We see that creativity leads to the development of opportunity and access to jobs. We see that courageous and persistent people put...
Stages of Creativity

Stages of Creativity

Thursday, March 28, 2019 In the post on February 9, 2019, we explored how greeting card companies are producing and packaging creativity to the tune of over 7 billion cards every year. This industry “requires” human creativity to produce products intended to connect...
Keep on The Hat, Train and Delegate, or Hire!

Keep on The Hat, Train and Delegate, or Hire!

There is a distinct difference between learning about small business through conversations, classes, books, or articles and learning about small business by swimming blindfolded in waves of hot and cold water. There are responsibilities, risks, and opportunities that...
Can We Raise Money with a Calendar?

Can We Raise Money with a Calendar?

Parent Teacher Associations are comprised of parents, teachers, and staff who organize to raise funds and help facilitate parent participation in different activities with students. The funds raised supplement the needs of students, teachers, and staff. In 2017, we...