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See What Also Matters – Disaggregating Data

See What Also Matters – Disaggregating Data

Imagine a common ground where curious people agree to celebrate progress, offer support, and identify opportunities to improve. This can be a place of mutual interest or agreement, where we stand on the same facts or see the same opinions. Here, we must ask questions,...
Candidate Match or Candidate Fit?

Candidate Match or Candidate Fit?

When seeking employment, candidates will come across positions they need and positions they want.  The job description can often times be the determining factor, but so can the organization. I was invited to interview for a position at a fortune 100 company after I...

Stepping Through Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue: Why you may be experiencing it and what you can do about it By: Lauren Flowerday What is compassion fatigue? Collectively, we’ve been experiencing emotional exhaustion and burnout through the COVID-19 pandemic. It can seem as though 2020 is an...
What do you hear?

What do you hear?

You may have observed that noise can be described in many different ways.  It can be distracting. It can be soothing.  It can be joyful.  It can be helpful.  It can cause confusion.  It can bring clarity. Some sounds are very familiar.  A household appliance making a...
Silence, Reflection, and Social Justice

Silence, Reflection, and Social Justice

Since birth, you may have received affirmations that you were being heard, engaged, or understood.  These affirmations could come through sounds that signaled that love was there or help was on the way. For example, “shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….” somehow made us stop, refocus,...
Trainings New Horizon

Trainings New Horizon

Guest Writer: Steven Douglas Our current situation is a challenge for every one of us on a personal and professional level as we navigate our unfamiliar environment.  This challenge has special meaning in the realm of training, as workplace training professionals...