Written by: Steven Douglas and Samuel Reed
On this page, you will find a few helpful resources as you recalibrate and reorient your company on the journey to success. Take a moment to review and think about these question as your organization seeks to be Here and discover better. Here, is where equity and stability are encouraged. Here, is where incremental solutions can be implemented, monitored, and improved over time. Take action now, and then continue to recalibrate or reorient in 2024, 2028, 2032 and beyond.
1.) Are we currently able to deliver on our company’s mission?
As you refocus your efforts, take a moment to review your company’s mission. If you own the company, chances are you wrote the mission statement with a lot of sweat and a few tears. Now’s the time to consider the effort needed to move the company to a new level of excellence. Your mission statement can say a lot about your company’s culture and climate. How your team interacts with customers to satisfy their needs reflects the actual organizational culture.
Ask yourself these questions:
*Does the team believe in our mission?
*Do the team’s work habits and actions align with your mission?
2.) What are the most important factors to deliver on our mission?
How many companies can you think of that started in someone’s garage and within a few years became a multimillion-dollar operation? The company names can be listed A-Z. One company started with a narrow focus on selling books and quickly evolved into other lines of business as they developed the market. Prepare for your next opportunity with a focus on factors that enable you to deliver on your mission.
Now is an excellent time to ask yourself:
*Do we have the skills and tools to identify and develop opportunities?
*What things do I, as a company owner or decision-maker, need to be mindful of and understand?
3.) What would bring additional value to our company?
It is good to know the important factors to deliver well on a mission, and it is vital to understand how to add value to your delivery. However, sometimes it is difficult to see and add value without a different perspective.
Ask yourself:
*What can we do differently that creates the value add for our customers?
*What insights can my business partner provide to add value?
4.) Do we have the workforce to achieve our goals?
The events of the past two years have impacted every aspect of the employment landscape. Many organizations struggle to find new people and ways to develop their current employees. If your company faces a workforce shortage, perhaps a mindset change is needed in the process to hire support.
Ask yourself:
*Do we have enough people?
*Do we have the capability to develop their skills?
5.) Do we have the information we need to move toward our team and organizational goals?
Big data is everywhere in the business world these days with a wide variety of uses. The challenge with data is not that it is collected, but how the company will use the data to make the business thrive and grow.
Some things to consider:
*If your company does not use information to move toward team and organizational goals, why not?
*If your company uses information, does it fully leverage it?
There is a lot to consider when finding Here, and we would like to help. Please send us an email, call, or connect with us via LinkedIn, so we can help your company Leap forward to success and discover ways to create value.
- Five Steps to Achieve Your Company Mission
- Four Essentials for Making Your Company Mission Thrive
- 9 Ways to Reinforce and Live Your Company’s Core Values Every Day
Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels