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Trainings New Horizon

Trainings New Horizon

Guest Writer: Steven Douglas Our current situation is a challenge for every one of us on a personal and professional level as we navigate our unfamiliar environment.  This challenge has special meaning in the realm of training, as workplace training professionals...


“You took the time to listen and ask great questions about what we were looking for. You were diligent in your follow up on the candidates and we appreciated your organization. We look forward to continuing our relationship to find the best candidates.” — Sheena, Vice...
Innovate, Shift, and Leap Beyond Limitations

Innovate, Shift, and Leap Beyond Limitations

“Son, you better KNOOOOOW your limitations….” My father would often say this when I tried to compete or wrestle with him.  Depending on your perspective, it is a statement that can be interpreted as ‘have a healthy case of fear’ or ‘find a cradle full of courage.’  As...