Traditional recruiters search LinkedIn for talent to quickly meet a need, they’re supposed too! Leap Here also searches LinkedIn to connect with people and learn about the story, the drive, the commitment behind the talent.
Have you ever taken time during the holidays to reflect on the past events of the current year? Thinking back on lessons learned, coincidences, and connections are common this time of year. It’s even possible to think back beyond the previous year and consider memories and lessons learned over the last several years.
Leap Here connected with Bernardo to look back over his young and global career. He shared lessons that he learned through his internship opportunities and how he took steps to invest in himself.
Each internship not only taught him more of the field of experience that he was interested in, but it also taught him values that he could apply to life. In his first internship, he approached his leader with a problem that he had come across, and he was met with the response, “What is the solution?”
This challenge stayed with him as he continued to develop in his career. His next internship was in the banking industry where he was happy with the challenge of new responsibilities. He also enjoyed stretching his problem-solving skills. With a mindset to seek solutions he found it engaging to support people that were denied financing and found it meaningful to take time and help customers explore additional options with good rates.
With more developed skills came the desire for more challenges. What better way to raise his level of professionalism than to intern remotely? During his internship with Pure Organic Foods he not only raised his level of professionalism, but the work itself demanded an increase in prioritization skills. Bernardo shared that he learned working remotely required a heightened level of responsibility and accountability. He needed to be more productive with tracking, prioritizing, executing, and meeting. An additional benefit was that he improved his professional bi-lingual vocabulary.
Bernardo learned that candid and clear communication needed to come quickly in order to be more efficient. Simple communications like “Yes”, “I don’t know”, and “I’ll have to figure that out” connected him to team members faster. These team members fully supported his growth and development.
These experiences helped Bernardo to see the value of on the job experience, and he believes he learned as much as he has in school. Education; however, is what gave him access to these experiences to grow forward.
What I hear in Bernardo’s story
Bernando’s work history and his story show he is highly engaged, actively investing in himself, and seeking to realize his potential. I enjoyed listening to Bernardo’s story and I imagine each company that he worked for saw great skills and potential in him.
Ways to invest in yourself now that will change your future.