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Investing in People – Holly

by | Dec 29, 2019

Early in 2019, Leap Here took another small step to share opportunity and invest in others by creating a social media marketing internship that would connect access to training and cover the cost of a social media marketing certification exam.

This program had a simple structure that included research, learning about social media marketing, planning for a social media campaign, and connecting with other industry professionals.

We were excited to share this opportunity with Holly after she applied.  She was already gaining experience in social media marketing by helping to create a consistent online presence for the Waukee Film Festival. The APEX program at Waukee High School connected her with that opportunity.  Their program helps students explore career possibilities through passion-based learning, authentic projects, and experiences with businesses within the Des Moines Metro and state of Iowa.

Internship Research
Holly was tasked with selecting relevant topics in education that impacted high school students.  She would also need to identify three content leaders to follow based on the topics selected.

She selected topics to research and identified thought leaders to follow.  The research topics included: Ways to continue post-secondary education AND reduce the amount of debt incurred; The greatest benefits of post-secondary education.

The thought leaders she chose to follow were Dave Ramsey, Michael Bennet, and James Altucher.

During her internship, we were able to coordinate connecting her with a freelance designer and marketing professional to learn first-hand about their journeys in graphic design and digital marketing.

Impact and Feedback
At the end of her internship, she received feedback based on engagement, professionalism, communication, and opportunities to improve.  This feedback was discussed and would be shared forward as she was referred and recommended for hire or additional contracts.

Through networking and keeping an open ear to opportunities, Leap Here was able to connect Holly with a contract to support Meals from the Heartland with social media marketing.

Holly would now be receiving real-world responsibilities and interacting professionally in an area of interest she wanted to explore. She went into the contract understanding that she could be responsible for any of the following tasks:

  • Partner to create content based on general communication needs and graphics shared
  • Post campaign communications for upcoming events/project
  • Ensure scheduled/posted updates are posting on date and time as expected
  • Follow up on community engagement and assist in the general distribution of shared stories, likes, comments, and marketing updates
  • Monitor trends and research content as needed

Receiving More Feedback
What did Meals from the Heartland do after her contract was completed? They provided additional feedback, which was added to the document that Holly has access to whenever she needs it.  This creates value for Holly in two ways:

  • A Reminder. History of responsibilities and accomplishments that can be shared to show the value she adds and remind her of where she’s been.
  • A Measure. Track progress on opportunities to improve and skills being developed over time.

Next Steps
Holly was an engaged worker and student.  Although the school, work, and her contract were going well; there was still the wrestling match of education vs the cost of education.  As she references in her blog it was “Life vs. College.” What was the best next step?

She understood the value of higher education, but she was also learning about the rising costs associated with pursuing education.  In the middle of this wrestling match, she was also in the process of moving to another state with her family. 

Holly initially decided to take on-line courses through Arizona State University to pursue a Bachelor’s of Science in Digital AudiencesShe is a driven young lady with excellent support from her parents; however, like most young adults, she is also in the middle of navigating her post-secondary education decisions.  For Holly, the cost of education added some additional challenges to her journey.  If you’d like to learn more about her story check out her blog “Here”.

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