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Connecting Opportunities

by | Dec 17, 2019

It’s interesting to hear how experiences connect for people.  I’m someone who values listening to others and looking for the connection between experiences.  Sometimes I overanalyze, and other times I’m amazed like a scientist discovering a new element.

“Here”… is a simple story of faith, hope, and hard work.  It’s a brief and impactful story about seeking and connecting opportunities and stretching to upskill along the way.

When seeking internship and employment opportunities it became evident to Darrin that other students and professionals were getting access to opportunities through relationships.  He sought out a variety of opportunities based on his interests; however, he nor his parents had business experience or relationships to help with access.

Like most students and professionals, Darrin had general interests; however, there was still a need for clarity on navigating his education and career.  He knew he enjoyed problem-solving and critical thinking and desired to work in a sector with people in poverty and or in need of economic development.

He found a business internship in Kenya that aligned with his passion for people in poverty and helping them to find a path to financial stability.  Missions of Hope International is a relationship-based company with a mission to create dynamic Christ-centered communities that transform the world.

His next role was more aligned with the accounting and finance direction he planned for; however, he wasn’t challenged by the work but loved the people.  Not in his plan was ending back in a role using SAP, but this is exactly what happened after a recruiter contacted him after finding his profile on LinkedIn.

Darrin decided to take the Leap and explore the opportunity.  He is glad he did!  He is now doing project-based work in SAP Finance in the IT department.

What I heard in his story
Using his experience and stepping out of his comfort zone qualified him for future next steps, opportunities to upskill, and access to opportunities that he hadn’t planned for.   He sees and believes that most people are still getting positions through relationships but knows the reality of having to search and work hard for the next step that aligns with your passions.

He enjoys the work that he is doing now, and it allows him the flexibility to do things that are purpose-driven.  The ability to work with an international team engages him as well because he enjoys working with people of different cultures and nationalities from all over the world.

Darrin says, “I’m grateful that we don’t have to have everything planned out step by step, I realize I was blessed, and I made the most of each opportunity.”

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