In 2017, I stopped thinking about ways to step forward and follow a call. I acted. I took the step to start a business and become a part of sharing two things. Opportunity and access. These two things I received as early as age 13 through an internship testing software for $10/hr.
The step was based on an idea to share opportunity and access by either creating meaningful work or connecting people from various levels of education and experience to meaningful work.
Was I completely prepared when I stepped forward? No. Did I expect the step to be comfortable? No.
Have I experienced more connection and growth in this journey? Yes.
Do I believe I am a driven and committed person that can contribute to moving change and innovation forward? Yes.
This decision came about through a process of seeking purpose, honor, and repentance. Early in my career I lacked the discipline and focus to realize some of the subtleties of planned career growth. As elegant as that may sound, it means I was impatient… and patience is still something I’m building. The roles that I took were in pursuit of new challenges and income. Top reasons not to change jobs or careers include:
As my career progressed I took lateral opportunities. These pursuits were not driven by compensation; however, they were driven by learning new things and being engaged by fresh & creative challenges. There was still an emptiness and pain that was intentional and directional; yet, I stayed in those seats because I knew I was capable to do the work.
There are some valuable lessons to be learned from being stubborn. Lessons on limitations and the power of the unbreakable spirit. There are also lessons that provide a “blended” experience. For example, when you run into enough walls you begin to get see some clear pictures, and maybe experience a mild concussion. What I began to understand more clearly was a call to share my time, talent, and treasures. That would be honorable. That would be purposeful. And so, the journey began.
Two options were available. Option one was the wiser, safer, and possibly less stressful option. It involved the security of staying in my role, building relationships, and building the business.
Option Two. Calculate as much risk as possible and step forward into a process where I would have more capacity to learn, build the business, and build relationships. I’m still in this process trying to balance and prioritize family, life, and business. In complete transparency, I would not have chosen this option if I didn’t feel it was purposeful and that God was somehow in it. FAITH has been a BIG part of this journey. Pain and repentance have been a HUGE part of this journey as well.
In a radical, but planned, shift I stepped out of a job at a Fortune 100 company with great benefits, bonus, and salary and into a 1099 contract. My intentions were to contract myself through my business once I had it up and running. The recruiter and the client were both on board with this. This process was happening. There was excitement and an incredible amount of fear… “what if I’m wrong.”
Strapped with a parachute of drive, commitment, courage, faith, and a desire to continue learning and connecting dots… I took my Leap.
“Here”… “Here” is where I began to see a longer walk. “Here” is where I will learn to stand firm on values and seek to further understand my role in being a small part of creating and sharing opportunities.