In the post on March 28, 2019, I shared thoughts on why I believe human creativity is important and what some stages of creativity are. We see that creativity leads to the development of opportunity and access to jobs. We see that courageous and persistent people put actions in front of words and stepped into the ring of creativity and innovation. Today, over 60 million jobs exist due to the Wright Brothers’ contributions to the aviation industry and Bill Bowerman’s contributions to the athletic shoe industry.
Genius! Well…maybe not, but “let’s explore this new idea and see where it takes us!” When is the last time you heard this?
The next creative or innovative idea doesn’t need to be smooth or lead to radical changes in industries, processes, or products. Often, incremental creativity creates value. Consider how Coca-Cola re-evaluates itself to make small incremental changes in flavors, packaging, and processes. They’ve established a culture that seeks to maximize resources and identify areas where change is needed. What other companies are doing this?
The next time you think, I have too much work to do, I don’t have time to be creative or to even think, take an additional 2-3 minutes and think about why you don’t have time to be creative or to even think. Seriously, it should be a fun exercise. 🙂
According to the world economic forum, creativity has moved up from #10 to #3 for the Top Skills needed to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Are leaders in your organization exploring or showcasing creativity? What are some other ways your organization is seeking to increase awareness and accountability to bring creativity into the workplace?
Ask Unusual Questions
When is the last time you asked an unusual question? Asking this question alone is unusual. Most people can think of issues they’d like to or need to improve/change. Could there be an unusual “why” question that if asked, could introduce a perspective or idea that leads in the direction of “better”?
Possible Question: “We’ve only looked at identifying files based on a set of parameters. Is it possible to create a binary parameter key that would help make updating parameters more efficient and accurate in the future?”
Possible Response: “Help me understand what you mean by binary parameter key.”
Action –>Set a reoccurring calendar reminder once a month to ask an unusual question to one leader in a planned one-on-one. #ThinkTankThursday
Build an Environment of Confidence
When is the last time you provided feedback to a team member who had the courage to share an idea? We don’t all share the same way. Some people are more vocal and like to talk through ideas; some people like to write or type out ideas so they can see it as they build it. Either way, are they getting the feedback they need? Invest time to let others know you’re listening and encourage an environment of confidence AND idea sharing.
Action–>Set a reoccurring calendar reminder once a week to provide feedback on ideas that have been shared with you. #WeListenWednesday
Helpful Resources