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Stages of Creativity

by | Mar 28, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019

In the post on February 9, 2019, we explored how greeting card companies are producing and packaging creativity to the tune of over 7 billion cards every year. This industry “requires” human creativity to produce products intended to connect people based on their human experiences. I would not be surprised to see this industry grow to selling 8 billion cards over the next few years.

Why is human creativity so important to discuss? Well, I believe creating opportunity and access to jobs requires creativity. This thought is based on the downstream impact that can occur as creative thought moves forward. I’ll use two specific examples of people who were courageous enough to push past the perception of being crazy and invent things that provide jobs for over 60 million people today.

The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were not the only people seeking to solve “the flying problem”; however, their approach was different because they focused on pilot control. This focus was creative and differed from what other inventors were doing. They embraced the knowledge and experience of those who came before them and added their creativity, ambition, and experience to the mix. This approach eventually led to successful flights, a new airplane factory and flight school, and continuous advancements in the field of aviation. Today, the aviation industry employs 65.5 million people.

Bill Bowerman, Nike co-founder and National Inventors Hall of Fame Inductee, had a creative spark that came when he and his wife were making waffles for breakfast. Where the average person saw a waffle pattern, he saw a pattern to help increase grip on running tracks. Bowerman not only took a chance in trusting the creative process and moving forward with an idea, he also provided opportunities and access for other people who shared in his journey of creating a better athletic shoe. This foundation of creativity and opportunity is part of why Nike became the world’s leading sports brand.

So.. what are the stages of creativity? I’m glad you asked! You may be able to trace some of your most creative thoughts and ideas through these stages. Review them below and then check out the resources to explore more.

Here are four stages of creativity:

  • Preparation – The brain needs to be fed in order to generate new ideas. New ideas do not come out of nowhere. This stage involves trying to learn lots of things. Both internet access and books will be helpful in exploring information and ideas. This exploration can take place at home, at your local library, or at work.
  • Incubation – In this stage, the mind is encouraged to stop thinking about the problem you’re trying to solve and to be free to wander.
  • Illumination – This is where the magic happens. Information connects and through thoughts and observation new ideas are born.
  • Verification – The time is now. In this stage ideas need to be shared in a way that makes them easy to understand. Will the idea be accepted? Will actions be taken? Here is where the leap is made!

How will you move the needle or create jobs with your next idea? Be creative.

Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed.

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What Is Everyday Creativity?
The 4 Stages of Creativity

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